Wednesday, January 27, 2010

What I Would Like To Grow

I would like to grow mango in the garden because they are a delectable treat that I believe everyone enjoys. It is a fruit that is produced on a tree.

The best time to plant a tree is during the summer or in San Diego’s case the spring because it starts to get hotter.

The best weather for this plant is one with little rain fall which San Diego provides.

The average tree should get about 50 to 70 inches per year. Sprinkler watering system would work just fine.

This is only when it is a young tree. As it gets older there is the chance of over watering the tree. The older it get the less nitrogen is needed. It requires more potassium and phosphorus

Growing more than one tree would require for them to be spaced 30 inches apart.

They grow to be pretty big.

It doesn’t star producing fruit right away. It takes four to five years, which I intended it for. So it can grow over time in the eyes of different students.

Preferably grown by tree instead of seedling, although it can be grown either way.. To plant a new tree the hole needs to be two feet wide and three feet deep. The soil should be lose and to help it grow better add twenty bones to the soil. Mix in a little amount of fertilizer as well.

The average tree produces about 480 pounds over 10 years.

Excellent sources to look into:

Friday, January 22, 2010

Bio Diversity Research

Jonathan Aguila
Environmental science

Initial Research

Biodiversity means biological diversity. This can be defined as variety of life. There are many components to biodiversity, Genetic diversity, species diversity, and ecosystem diversity[1]. All of these deal with life and things do naturally become extinct but with humans becoming more advanced and invading ecosystems we are destroying them, speeding up the natural process of elimination.

Bio diversity is important to the environment because without it we wouldn’t have many things we have today, from food to medical purposes to plants being able to grow. Bees are a key factor to this because without bees to pollinate flowers there are no vegetables or any other kind of food that comes from a flower. However there is artificial pollination but would be way too expensive to artificially pollinate enough plants to reach demands.

Bio diversity acts as a chain effect. Remove one piece the entire thing falls apart, because there isn’t an animal or insect in place to maintain natural order of a population growth. For example local whales began controlling the sea and fishermen didn’t like this. So they started killing whales. When this happened killer whales started killing seals and otters. This left no one to control the sea urchins which started destroying kelp beds.[2]

"Conservation of biodiversity is not about keeping one species away from another," he told the meeting. "It is not about building fences around national parks and keeping humans out. It is about interaction between all species and their natural ecosystem,[3]"

I agree with this because if it naturally builds a new chain and people try to put it back to its natural environment then it will not be self sustainable.

My idea for the senior project is dealing with bees and there affect on nature. How much harder would life become with out them. If a piece of the natural cycle disappeared would a new species come about and naturally fill the place of a bee. Or any other species that became extinct. Nature is more than just beauty and something to look at. If we are able to care for it and give back instead of taking without remorse, than by all means I would like to know this way and why haven’t we started making changes to benefit our planet as a whole. Insects and animals don’t have the power to fix our problems naturally. An effort needs to be made to help fix our problems.

[1] Ningthoujam, Debananda. "Biodiversity is life. Biodiversity is our life. Cophenhagen to Nagoya: Can the world save its ‘green gold’-the Earth’s Biodiversity?." kangla online. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Jan. 2010. .

[2] Shah, Anup. "Why Is Biodiversity Important? Who Cares? — Global Issues." Global Issues : social, political, economic and environmental issues that affect us all — Global Issues. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Jan. 2010. .

[3] "Bees and biodiversity linked to food shortage - The New York Times." The New York Times - Breaking News, World News & Multimedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Jan. 2010. .

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Farmer and Chief Reflection

The article farmer and chief written by Michael Pollan was a very long and interesting article. Addressing major topics in the world of agriculture, involving health issues and what can be done to change how we as people eat to make a cleaner planet and a healthier body.
What struck me as fairly interesting would be the amount of organic food created compared to the main crops that businesses ask farmers to grow. Corn and soy beans are two of the top crops grown; specialty crops aren’t grown as much because businesses don’t want to purchase these items. Making most of the farmers grow an abundance of corn and soybeans. This creates a problem because at a company’s perspective they are paying more money in turn meaning they are losing money. The main target I saw in the article pointed out quantity over quality. I understood these words as, the more the better the health risk is not a problem to the company’s, were as organic food is grown naturally and healthy. There isn’t as much produce, but it is healthier and doesn’t pollute the planet with excessive amounts of fossil fuels.
My favorite argument made is educating the younger generation because they will have the power in a matter of years. By teaching healthier options and creating better food for public schools will increase a student’s knowledge greatly. Forgiving federal students loans to culinary students is a genius idea, in exchange for them working two years in a public school lunch program. It is a very broad and open idea depending on the loan size. But I’m sure a deal can be made with each graduate who decides to continue the idea of working in a school.
The idea of seeing how the first family eats is a big deal. If they are eating poorly what does it say about us as a country? His clever touch on the topic of the front lawn. What is necessary to keep it green and so perfect? It is true we really don’t need such green grass and bright trees. If the first lady Michelle Obama did care for her own garden then It might add to a new wave of health craze and taking care our your health to go organic. A little idea that would also be great would be to have opera show her helping as well. Many American families watch this show and it is a great way to have something that isn’t news worthy but still important. to be broadcasted on national television, especially an iconic show such as opera.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

First Post!

I became very interested in oranges on the car ride to school. I was analyzing one on the car ride to school, and its simple yet complex procedure it takes to become an orange is very great. and the center of the sphere shape it is filled with liquid, while the outer layer is a rough shell protecting the precious fruit in the center. for some reason this makes me woinder how and why this is.